hey goiz it's Jackson, I got nothing to do so I'm actually making a real blog.
Bein' a sikkunt ain't easy, every day I have to roll people like sandy to get through in life, it sure is tiring, afterall, how else am I supposed to pay for those brand new fresh TNs coming onto the market every month. I've been contemplating to myself about getting a Nautica or Ralph Lauren tattoo on my chest, I reckon it'd look fly as fuck, and if I'm getting the Ralphie one I won't be getting the small little logo, I'll be gettin' those big ones which cover half the shirt, mint as lard!
alright sorry I'll make an actual post about my day now.
Today was aight, the plan was to go beach and watch Christmas fireworks with carols at Darling Harbour at 9. We all met at 12 outside Town Hall woolies lard, ended up waiting till like 12:20 before leaving for the beach, Vince the dumb cunt's alarm didn't wake him up, so he ended up getting up at like 12:20 as well and told us, we just planned to meet him there so it kinda worked out. We all got to the beach by around 1ish and found a pretty good spot, I didn't feel like swimming so I only went in once for like 30 mins and just chilled at our bags for mostly the rest of the time, Odell and some others did the same and ended up digging a huge fucking hole in the ground like they were trying to dig to Africa or something. The dumb cunts eventually dug into water and couldn't get it any deeper, by this time everyone was basically out of the water and a bunch of the girls got in and we buried them, Sandy was freakin' out bad so the boys helped her out, I kinda knew it was a bad idea cuz she gets freaked by shit like that real easy but yolo. May got in with Leanne and Jessica and shit maann they got angrier than a nazi at hanukkah, was pretty fun watching them trying to get out but eventually they did and we mostly all left to eat and go city, I waited at the bags with Damian for like 30 minutes because Robert, Sandy and Noah were still in the water somewhere. After they were finally done we all got finished and went to city, the girls ate while the boys and I played pool, nothing major really happened, one of my mates came up with his friends right before we were gonna leave and we said hi and shit, the girls said apparently one of the guys looked exactly like me, but c'mon lets face it, the people anywhere near as good looking as me would be Channing Tatum or Ryan Gosling, and even then they're both tiny cunts. But yeah afterwards a lot of people were leaving and we basically just ditched the idea of fireworks and shit and went home, was pretty anti-climatic day but was still alright.
When I got home I remembered the story of my birth my dad told me, idk about you guys but I reckon it's pretty interesting, basically I'm the third child of the family and in China there was a policy that you could only have two children max because apparently Chinese people fucked like bunnies idk, most populated race reppin'. Anyways since I was the third child coming, my dad, who at the time was the CEO of our animal skinning and fur company, was rich as and wanted me to be born, so what he did was he moved our whole family to Macau, which at the time was not a part of China and was independent, so I could be born there. Once I was born in Macau my parents started to gamble a lot because we lived in the biggest gambling centre in the world, it was basically the asian hyped up version of Las Vegas, this was a real problem and we started to lose money quickly, during this time, Australia was pretty successful economically, so we decided to move to Australia, and that's how I got here to Australia when I was 2, the company's still going on in China but not here, the gambling problem is still kinda with my parents and they usually go to the casino a few times a week now and that's how I always get discounts at the star rooms and shit HAHA, black members reppin'. But yeah that's basically the story of my birth, kinda relates to Jesus' birth, obviously not a coincidence.