Talked to May a bit throughout the day and yeah, I rewatched The Usual Suspects the other day and ended up liking it a lot more than when I first watched it, guess my taste is changing (If you haven't watched it I recommend you should), but nothing beats my so far all-time fave American Psycho. At like midnight I actually started properly socializing instead of playing games, hopped on skype with Robert, May and William Shi and introduced May to Town of Salem HAHAHA. I know it's still playing a game but at least there's more than 2 friends playing together, basically it's online mafia, Rob, Will and I played a shit ton last holidays but we're getting back into it, been pretty alright.
I'm on Skype with May and William right now talking about nothing, but it feels good to hear their breathing, makes me feel not so lonely :~). (If you take that seriously you're fuckin' weird). I've had a poker craving recently, so has May, IF ANYONE has a free house coming up and is willing to host a poker night for Le Swagga please do not be afraid!! The holidays so far have been pretty boring after the hotel I have to admit, but it has only been 2 days LOL, hopefully more eventful things happen otherwise I'm gonna have to start doing homework and studying, and no one likes homework and studying.
"So what about you, Jackson?" you may ask, well, fake persona I just made up to resemble you readers right now, I've been indifferent. Things have been going along like always, still gettin' over the breakup I guess, that might be bringin me down a bit, but other than that I'm still talking to the same ol' same ol' and doing the same stuff. I'm thinking about getting a job but I don't know, I feel like I should spend the holidays doing something more productive than just gettin' some dosh for 6 weeks, maybe really start focusing on HSC or instead of that just socialize and meet new people. I feel like everyone in their lives eventually feel like they need to swap things up every now and then when things get repetitive, maybe I'm just going through a phase, but that feeling of change seems to constantly be undermining me, we'll see eventually, "LIFE GOES ON" - Tupac.
Speakin' of Tupac I don't really like any music now, classical, rap, hardstyle, it all just sounds the same to me now HAHA, gotta strive for a new taste that's for sure. Anyways catch you on the flipside once more
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