Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Still no phone plan...

Alright today I still haven't got my phone plan, brother had work... but still did some stuff, I went shopping for a lawnmower with my parents cuz every time they go out they need either me, my brother or my sister since they can't speak English that well, but really my mum can she just pretends she can't to get me to go out more... I don't blame her cuz I'd do the same if my son was staying home watching TV everyday.

Anyways they literally spent an hour just comparison shopping at bunnings while I watched and in the end they didn't even buy a lawnmower, they just decided to check online for cheaper prices, its like they literally do everything Mr. Zurrer taught me in commerce.... aannyyways after that I just stayed home setting up the wires and shit for our internet coming soon ^_^ but I have a feeling I wouldn't really do much different even with internet...

Aanyways here's a pic of mummy and daddy and also another pic I found hilarious in my gallery, look at Vince's head HAHAHA

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