Thursday, 30 January 2014

Suzuran's first days

Suzuran's so fucking boring, I've never felt more like sleeping in school than I have the past 2 days, and that's not because I haven't been getting sleep, because I have, it's because every class is so silent since no ones knows anybody and only some people I know are in classes with me, and because of the class being so silent, no one can talk to their friends since the teacher would hear, so awkiessszz!! xDDD l0lza! Here's a basic overview of all my classes:

Line 1 Ancient History : I actually haven't had it yet since taster week but Vince and Jay Jay are in it, the teacher's apparently gay and is really funny so I'm kinda looking forward to it, EXCEPT I HAVE IT AS MORNING CLASS AT 8AM ON BOTH FRIDAYS, I'm supposed to go to the morning class tomorrow but me and Vince are just pretending we didn't hear about it, *cough cough*, not looking forward to that.

Line 2 Physics : One of the other classes I haven't gone to which I'm looking forward to, all the boys except Serizawa is in it, sadly :'(, and also I sat next to some downie cunt called Richard from Leichhardt in taster week, hopefully not my permanent seat. Also hopefully he doesn't see this.

Line 3 Economics : It's okay, but still boring, I have Vince in it as well as Callan, Tash, Kyle and some others I forgot, the teacher seems alright but his voice makes me want to fall asleep, also don't wanna sound mean but there's this autistic kid who's really smart called Alex, and he has the weirdest accent ever, every time he talks, me, Vince, Callan, Kyle and basically half the class try not to laugh, I ended up drooling on my book from holding it in so hard, HEY even the teacher was on the verge of laughing, we're all going to hell.

Line 4 English Advanced : Mixed feelings bout this one, Michael, Tash and Sophie are in it and also my friend Eric from Leichhardt, I sit next to him and I always talk to him about how much of a doob he thinks our 60 year old teacher is, also I get Leichhardts point of view when looking at us, he said you guys are so lucky you have good looking asian chicks, WELL HE'S IN FOR A BIG SURPRISE, HAHAHAHA, okay sorry girls reading this, forgiveness please! also the teacher already hates the both of us because we're always laughing and shit, she's pretty funny though.

Line 5 Maths 2U : Haven't had it yet but yep you guessed it Vince is in it, so is Tina, we have 2 teachers and so far the one we had in Taster week seems like a bitch, always moves her hands too, it's like she tries to make me and Vince laugh with them.

Line 6 : This is my free period, and apparently I got lucky because it's the BEST free period you can have, and I agree, it's always at the start or end of the day, I get to leave early twice and come to school late 3 times, except ONE OF THEM'S RUINED BECAUSE OF THE ANCIENT HISTORY MORNING CLASS, SPEWIN'.

Line 7 Biology : One of the classes I'm pretty alright with, Jessica and Tina are in it with me, so are some others like Nina and dat, we have Mr Wilson and some burka lady I'm pretty sure, so far it's been alright.

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