Sunday, 9 March 2014

0mg goodlife was so off the hook!

Just kidding I didn't go! And if I DID go, it doesn't count as breaking my new years resolution because it's a festival not a rave, get it right!

Weekly recap (some stuff might be wrong, I actually can't remember anything other than faces and names)

Monday - I forgot LOOL

Tuesday - Went to city with Eric, James, Zoe and Jenny, played pool, obviously schooled them. Zoe was pree good though, Eric's played before, he was aight. James was just.. don't want to talk about it. And Jenny didn't play except for like taking some of James' shots, SHE DID SINK A BALL THOUGH. Afterwards Eric disappeared somewhere, we went to Daiso so they could buy some dried mango thingo, idk, they all went to their tutor and I caught the train home. TUTOR'S FOR LOSERS! Tutor-free for life!

Wednesday - I FORGOT


Friday - Left school cuz had free last with Lulu and Nella, didn't know what to do so we went with Nella to American Apparel to shop for clothes for her because she was going Goodlife, talked to her bout some boy problems, treked it after to Kookai at QVB, she bought a top there, my legs were fucking killing. On the way to Kookai bumped into some homeless guy and he yelled at us, they got scared but I just laughed so fucking hard, he screamed something like "UP YA BUM YA SLUTS", highlight of the day right there :'). Nella had to go home to get ready for some dinner, mad invite. Lulu and I waited at Town Hall for May and eventually she came, I went with them to go to N2 instead of going pool with da oiz, gay bestie kenjin reppin'. Afterwards we went to Dixon Place food court I think at Chinatown, bought food with Sandy and Lulu, we ate separately from the others, talked about stuff and yeah. Went to KFC to meetup with da oiz after, talked a bit, bumped into Dominic working, haven't seen him in ages :'), went home with Paul after bit of loitering and talking. Was an alright day.

Saturday - Was supposed to do my physics assignment or at least some kind of homework, ended up not doing anything but watch videos all day. Legs hurt even more than yesterday, felt like a baby gazelle just born, staggering all over the place.

Sunday - Was supposed to do my physics assignment AND maths homework, ended up writing this fucking post, jesus christ I need to start doing some work, catchya later!

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