Friday, 21 March 2014

feelin' ill

I couldn't be bothered posting for a while soz guys, a few things have happened but I pretty much forgot, I have like a bad cold hopefully it goes away soon. Not THAT much to talk about other than Friday so guess this post will be bout dat.

Had a free first so Lulu and I left to eat at Broadway while waiting for Sandy to finish her drama excursion, bummed around till like 3 and Sandy met up with us. We head over to city to meet up with May, Diana and Elaine at Event then everyone else came after they finished school. Went to world square for shorts or something and I accidentally dropped like frozen fanta and it went all over one of Vince's shoes HAHAHA sorryy. Went to food court to eat and fucked around for a while, Diana's friend Lisa came to meet up with us and we went to play pool at Town Hole afterwards while the girls + Damian and Odell went to karaoke, gay cunts LOOOL. Played an 'unbeatables' game, which is Robert and Paul vs me and Vince. We call it unbeatables because we made both our team names the unbeatables like last year, ever since then whenever we vs each other with same team it's called unbeatables game, I think Vince and I are beating them like 9-0 right now HAHAHA, we subtract 1 from our score every time they beat us, aka never. Played against Diana 1v1 a bit, she's pree good, almost beat me in some games, NOT BAD!

Met up with everyone else and we decided to go to Darling harbour after mostly everyone left, it was just Rob, the farmers, Diana, Lisa, Shirley, Elaine and I (I THINK that was everyone). Got ice cream and like sat on the edge of the Darling Harbour port thingo with each of us in these little groups just talking. Talked to Diana about sooo much stuff can barely remember half of it, just sat there talking and that went on from around 7 till like 10:30 LOOOL. Eventually went to go eat at harbourside food court and then we went home afterwards. Diana, Lisa and I caught the same train home, except Diana gets off at Strathfield and changes. Lisa lives in Ashfield and we walked home talking about a bunch of random stuff and people, can't really remember but it was pretty funny HAHA, she actually lives like only 3-4 minutes away from me and I go past hers every day for school, small world. Got home at like around 12, talked a bit to people and then like I got so freaking sleepy all of a sudden so I just crashed into bed at like 12:30 like the twelvie I am.

Now time to study for my maths test tomorrow on Tuesday, after all these assessments I'll try to post more often, swear, mothers!

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