soz bout da title it's a joke to this manga I'm reading HAHAHAHA. Nothing's been happening in the holidays but I've spent like every hour on the computer reading manga for the past few days, I finished Parasyte, I started reading Fairy Tail and got up to date and now I'm reading this manga called Toriko which is some like monster-hunting and cooking manga, I really like it because it has action and it's pretty funny in my opinion, da title of this post comes from a recurring joke with a character called Mansam and whenever someone calls out his name he asks if someone called him handsome LOOOL fuck that's so lame now that I think about it, still pretty good manga, 2/3 through till I'm up to date.
So yah now to update from my previous post
January 7th
Sooo on the day before da morning of watching the beach sunrise, William wanted to eat pho so he came and picked me up and we went to Bankstown so I could finally try the legendary Pho An. It was preeetttyyy fuckin' good, my top pho place now followed by Me Oi at Strathfield HAHAHA. Couldn't decide on what to do after but Tung was over at Bill's house (one of da guys which jumped me after nova ages ago HAHAHA), so Willy and I decided to kill time over there at around like 4pm. Played some Fifa and it was surprisingly fun, also played some UFC, but fuark his house was pretty huge though, and he had like 4 mattresses in his room to sleep on HAHAHA. So we decided to get cooked on this leb 'gear' which they said is pretty fuckin' strong and we did some shifty shit, got our chipin's together and Bill called the leb guy. We drove down to some open street and waited for a few mins parked in the wrong direction in broad daylight, then this car rocks up parked behind us and Bill runs out, grabs the gear and talks to the guy a bit before coming back in, the shiftiest shit I've ever done HAHAHA trust Bankstown.We got back to his and got on it real quick, was my first time using a real bong xD bonginity and bankstown phoginity were taken that day. The shit was pretty dank so we were pree cooked for a while, ate a bunch of food Bill's parents made and that shit was nice as :OOO.
January 8th 00:00
So it's the morning of the sunrise, and Bill and Tung decided to come beach with us so we fucked around at Bill's till we'd go and pick up Rob and Damo. Went for a cruise with bunch of Tung's mates in their cars and for a pork roll run at like 3am, the cars were pretty fuckin nice except for William's HAHAHAHA but dw it was the underdog. Got our pork rolls at the only store open in the whole street at Cabramatta HAHAHA, 24/7 pork rolls trust Cabra, everyone thought William and I were still cooked because our eyes were so small :(((, we kinda were though. Scariest part was when this cop car was driving down the main street we were all standing at and slowed down next to us, was deadset frozen the whole 10 secs the cops slowed down to look at us before it drove off, such a relief, den it came back and did it again HAHAHA, scary shit, then eventually we decided to go pick up Damian. Got onto some highway and had a race between the 3 cars, my raceginity was taken that day as well, was very funny insulting the other drivers out our windows. Eventually da boiz went their ways home and William, Tung, Bill and I drove to Damian's to pick him up first, then got to Robert's, poor Tung had to get in the boot for the ride to Bondi since not enough space for Robert to sit HAHAHAHA. Eventually got to Bondi at like 4:30 and waited till da sunrise came, just talked and fucked around. So the sunrise came and I went to get the best angle at the shore by myself HAHAHA looked like a tourist holding my tigers and socks with a phone in my hand on the beach. Here's a few snaps of it, looked so much better at my angle than everyone elses poopy angles.
I liked it, was very peaceful and calming, kinda refreshing, felt like a proper start to the new year HAHA, new year new me guyth!!! XD
So yeah we all got driven home courtesy of William, Bill was in the boot this time till we dropped Robert off HAHA. Got home at like 6:30am and tried to stay up till night to fix my sleeping pattern except I fucked up and took a nap like 3 hours after I got home HAHAHA. So with nothing to do I decided to start reading manga again and it's as good as it was before, feel like it's very bad for my eyes though...
January 9th
William wanted to eat pho again and he picked me up and went to Me Oi at Strathfield, wanted to go fuck around at Sydney's but then we couldn't be fucked waiting for him to get home so we ended up cruising around for like an hour before we went home, was fun though HAHA. When I got home I read some more manga and then went for a run at around 2am.
January 10-11th
It's been the same old same old, just staying home and reading manga and going for a run at like 2am, dunno why but I feel very energetic during that time HAHA, also because it's really fuckin' cool outside and there's no cars on the streets in Croydon Park so I can just run down the roads, feel like I'm scaring people though LOOL, nek minnit demon of croydon park.
Butchyeah there's a few events coming up, and probs gonna get a haircut at Sydney's soon, I'll blog about those when the time comes, catchya later!
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